As Vallier Design Associates, Inc. enters its twentieth year, we find ourselves working from three locations with distinct climates and plant communities. To celebrate this, we collaborated on a small run of screen prints that depict signature plants from each location—the California Oak (Quercus agrifolia) for our home office in Point Richmond, California; the Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) for our branch office in Bend, Oregon; and the Red Barrel Cactus (Ferocactus cylindraceus) for our satellite office in Palms Springs, California. We sent one print in the series out to some of our clients and colleagues as a token of our appreciation for their continued support over the years, but we still have a few left. If you would like a print or if you received one and would like the entire series, please feel free to drop a line to christina@vallierdesign.com and we will send them to you as supply holds out. Above are some photos of the screen printing process. Enjoy! Art Direction: Marcia Vallier, Illustration: JC Miller, Printing: Christina Jirachachavalwong